Thursday, December 22, 2011

Places of the Heart

There are places my mind can go and calm immediately surrounds me.  One of these would definitly be any beach we have visisted.  The sound of the ebb and flow of the waves lull me into relaxation every time I am there.

Another is a dear friend's home.  As I walk into the house, there is a fountain flowing on her kitchen counter.  Soft music plays and there is always a lovely scent.  It gives the total aura of peace. (Yes, Janice, it is your home.)  In the new year, I would like to create something in my home kin to that...even if it is only one room.  We have too much stuff all around, so I am going to have to divest myself of my stuff; Mr. D will have to decide about his.

Of couse my childhood home brings lovely memories.  I still see my grandmother cooking in her kitchen; my grandfather lying on his couch.  One of my sweetest memories occurs any time "Silent Night" is played or sung.  When I was but about 3 years old, I remember Mom snuggling with me in bed on Christmas Eve when I was too excited to sleep.  As she sang "Silent Night" to me, I drifted off to sleep.  I sure do miss all of them as they have gone on to eternity...ahh the lasting impressions they left me that bring a warm and soft feeling to this heart.

So for today, I wish you travels to places that make your heart warm!

1 comment:

  1. Love you my friend....reading your blog is a peaceful relaxing time for me...please are making me think...I am truly blessed to have you as a friend and mentor....
