Sunday, December 18, 2011

Life at the beach

For the first time in a long time, Mr. D and I have spent some together time alone at the beach.  As we were walking along the beach yesterday, he validated something that had been building in my mind.  We both like to look for shells as we walk along the shore; the day before I had a strong message that told me that I am so fortunate that God does not throw me away because I am imperfect.  Mr. D also had that same epiphany yesterday.  Man, does that let me know that God speaks loud and clear when we are quiet and still enough to hear Him.

 I also noticed that all the shells are colored and shaped a bit differently just like people we encounter. I hope that I will never look at others in quite the same way as before, but see the unique beauty of the collage of  the life he/she leads.  This morning I became aware of this, "What do I desire, not sacrifice, but a clean heart and justice to others."

So, my lesson for this trip is this, to enjoy all of each encounter that God gives me treat my fellow man/woman as if God has sent them my way so I may learn more of Him. enjoy the beauty of His creation no matter where I am.

1 comment:

  1. I think I am your first "follower"!!

    I am so glad that you and Mr. D are enjoing your time alone at the beach and hope you have many more of these "interludes" together.

    I am going to try to be quiet and still enough in the coming year to hear Our Father speak to me...NO...not try.....WILL..I will be quiet and still enough to hear Our Father speak to me.

    I am looking so forward to your inspire ..... you encourage me...

    Love you my friend,
